Our altar pieces are designed through a process of meditation and connection with the help of AI. This means they are fully digital and crafted using the latest technologies. We embrace the spirit of the times, as AI has become an indispensable part of our society. Sometimes, it can take weeks to find the right combination of words and elements to create the perfect altar piece. It’s a process of patience, focus, and intuition, as we strive for the right energetic resonance. This, too, is magic.
Ancestors € 31,00
Anna € 31,00
Baba Yaga € 31,00
Brigida - Imbolc € 31,00
Cerridwen € 31,00
Witte Wieven € 31,00
Hel € 31,00
Flora - Beltane € 31,00
Gaia € 31,00
Sisters € 31,00
Grandmother Spider € 31,00
Hekate - Samhain € 31,00
Goddess of the Moon € 31,00
Nehalennia € 31,00
Norns € 31,00
Ostara - Lente Equinox € 31,00
Tanfana € 31,00
The Cailleach € 31,00
Goddess of Glastonbury € 31,00
The Lady of Avalon € 31,00
Vrouw Holle € 31,00
Wise Woman € 31,00